“I am not a racist”

 Me: “I’m not an adulterer.”

Jesus: “Oh yes you are. Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery” (Matthew 5:29).

Me: “I’m not a murderer.”

Jesus: “Oh yes you are. Anyone who is angry with his brother will be judged and sent to hell” (Matthew 5:22).

Me: “I’m not a hater.”

Jesus: “Oh yes you are. Unless you love your enemy and pray for them, you are no better than the pagans” (Matthew 5:46).

Me: “I’m not a thief.”

Jesus: “Oh yes you are. Your money is God’s. Give it away to people who need it more, or else” (Luke 12:21).

Me: “I’m not a racist.”

Jesus: “And why not? You are all these other things—why not this? My standards are perfect, and you don’t meet them. What matters is not what you think about yourself but what I think about you. If there is even some sin in you, you are a sinner. If you treat or think about people worse because their skin is a different color than yours, you are committing the sin of racism and will be judged by God. Be forgiven of your sins so you may be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48).